I wrote a book. Chapter 6: Do It Out of Spite

Bohdan (Dan) Hlushko
5 min readMay 9, 2024

“In a world where everyone wants to break you, be defiant.”

Tom Petty

In a world where paths to success seem well-trodden and generally accepted, the idea of doing things differently stands as a bold challenge to the status quo. This concept is not merely about defiance for the sake of defiance; it is deeply rooted in the psychology of rebellion and the motivation to discover new, unpredictable paths to realizing ideas that might appear insane or impractical to most. It’s about having the courage to believe in yourself and your vision, even when everyone around you has doubts and critiques.

Have you heard of the “survivorship bias”? It’s a psychological effect that distorts our perception of success, focusing attention only on those who have achieved outstanding results, while numerous stories of failure remain out of sight. This bias creates the illusion that successful cases are more common than they actually are, hiding the real risks and difficulties that accompany the path to innovation and success.

In this context, survivorship bias serves as an important reminder that behind every success story there are failures, mistakes, and obstacles that were overcome. It highlights the value of resilience and the willingness to move forward despite external pressure and skepticism. This awareness helps maintain a realistic vision of one’s path, preparing us to embrace challenges and use failures as valuable lessons on the way to achieving ambitions.



Bohdan (Dan) Hlushko

IT enthusiast. The one who always finds the way. Developer in the past, manager in the present.